The ability to connect billions of devices that exchange data without any third-party interaction is what makes the Internet of Things (IoT) one of today's most intriguing topics. Since the human analysis of such a wide array of data is unpractical, it was only a matter of time before AI was going to be put to use for a more efficient IoT.
AI experts are researching the implementation of AI in IoT improves the value of data gathered by IoT devices. This date will provide businesses with solutions for the development of more efficient products and services that will fulfill customers' expectations.
Although the practical use of AI in combination with IoT is a relatively new concept, the most advanced companies are already working hard on leveraging big data for the development of better products.
Managing the temperature in your home via a smartphone or other IoT control devices is becoming more common. The integration of artificial intelligence allows the production of devices that can learn from user-experience and perform better.
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