Machine learning is evolving at an even quicker pace and financial institutions are among the first to adopt the technology.
When Wall Street statisticians realized they could apply AI to investment trading applications, they could effectively crunch millions upon millions of data points in real-time and capture information that current statistical models couldn't.
In most clinics, the primary diagnosis is made by a therapist; he conducts an examination, collects an anamnesis and, if liver problems are found, directs the patient to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist. The gastroenterologist checks the functioning of the digestive tract because the liver is an organ that greatly influences digestion.
The ability to connect billions of devices that exchange data without any third-party interaction is what makes the Internet of Things (IoT) one of today's most intriguing topics. Since the human analysis of such a wide array of data is unpractical, it was only a matter of time before AI was going to be put to use for a more efficient IoT.
As cyberattacks grow in volume and complexity, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping under-resourced security operations analysts stay ahead of threats. Sorting threat intelligence from millions of research papers, blogs, and news stories, AI provides instant insights to help you fight through the noise of thousands of daily alerts, drastically reducing response times.
The most important thing about artificial intelligence (AI) is its development for all types of games, especially for Game-AI. Many changes are occurring in computer game production: continuous online games, digital division of gates and stands, social and mobile games.
Data has become one of the most significant instruments in e-commerce innovation. Benefits to our entire society can be summarized in the following ways: from the government's perspective - to assess the impact of e-commerce on the economy; for merchants - to understand consumers' needs, and for a consumer to be offered the right product he/she is looking for.
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