As cyberattacks grow in volume and complexity, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping under-resourced security operations analysts stay ahead of threats. Sorting threat intelligence from millions of research papers, blogs, and news stories, AI provides instant insights to help you fight through the noise of thousands of daily alerts, drastically reducing response times.
The importance of the threats of cyberattacks, and its attendant economic and commercial damage, particularly where it involves extortion demands for anonymous payments of Bitcoin, cannot be underestimated. When cyberattacks involve critical infrastructure, they threaten international security and democratic institutions. They also threaten the rule of law and in cases where cyberattacks are undertaken, they destroy critical infrastructure for ideological purposes constituting terrorism. Often threats of terrorism from cyberattacks go unnoticed, unreported and uninvestigated because managers of critical infrastructure are unfamiliar with terrorism laws and when they pay ransoms in Bitcoin from cybersecurity attacks that are terrorist based, they are unwittingly engaging in terrorist financing.
Is artificial intelligence an advantage or a threat to your company's digital security? On one hand, artificial intelligence in cybersecurity is beneficial because it improves how security experts analyze, study, and understand cybercrime. It enhances the cybersecurity technologies that companies use to combat cybercriminals and help keep organizations and customers safe. On the other hand, artificial intelligence can be very resource-intensive. It may not be practical for all applications. More importantly, it also can serve as a new weapon in the arsenal of cybercriminals who use the technology to hone and improve their cyberattacks.
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